How Do I Apply?
You will use Reviewr to submit your application. We highly recommend that you draft your proposal via the Google doc version of the application, before submitting your final proposal into Reviewr.
2024 Application Timeline and Components
Please read below about the different components that you will need to address in your grant application.
May 1, 2024
June 21, 2024
July 29-31, 2024
August 12-13, 2024
Application window opens
Application deadline
Award notification & grant agreement
Funds transferred to campuses
*Dates are subject to change.
Opportunity for Change

Describe the situation you want to change within your school community. Provide data sources, including broken down by demographic groups. You may choose to cite data from both external (public or academic) or internal (school or classroom specific) sources.
- What would your school community like to see changed as a result of project implementation?
- How does this project provide an opportunity, solve a problem, or address a need that is not currently supported by public funds?
- What historically underserved student or community groups will this project impact the most? Why is this an important issue to address right now?
- What qualitative and/or quantitative evidence supports your need for this project?
Project Goal & Description
Share about how you will implement your project throughout the school year. Describe your overarching project goal or learning objective, and identify corresponding activities, timeline, and evaluation methods.
- What is your overall goal or learning objective? How will students and/or other community members connect their learning to the area of focus? (Literacy, CCR, or Educator Experience)
- What learning activities will you facilitate to reach this goal?
- When will these activities take place?
- What evaluation methods will you use to learn about the impact of your project?

We have found that collaboration with partners across the school community increases the effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of projects. Describe how this project will foster collaboration on your campus or department.
- How will you collaborate with other teachers, staff, grade levels, teams, leadership, and/or community members to broaden the impact of your project?
- How will you partner with families and caregivers?
Evidence of Tangible Impact
The impact of your project can be measured in a variety of ways. Describe your plan to capture the impact it had on students, staff, and families.
- How will you know that your project has been successful?
- How will you measure success (through data, stories, surveys, or student work)?
- Describe your planned data collection processes that are aligned to your project goal, activities, and milestones. We encourage you to use existing data methods available to you, like pre/post surveys, interviews, observations, assessments, or other measurement approaches. You may choose to cite data from both external (public or academic) or internal (school or classroom specific) sources.
- The intention of data collection is to understand what is changing and who is being impacted as a result of your project. The methods you choose should give you insight on what is/isn’t working, to guide shifts for improvement throughout the project. While measurement is required, grantees will not be penalized if the project does not meet stated objectives.

Funding & Budget
Austin Ed Fund is excited to award over $400,000 this grant cycle. A maximum of $2,500 per project will be awarded for projects that impact individual classrooms. A maximum of $10,000 per project will be awarded for projects that are collaborative and have a team, campus-wide impact, or that will have an impact across multiple campuses.
Applicants must provide an itemized budget for your project, where the total matches the requested amount above. List each item in your budget, including its cost and how it will support the goal.
Supplemental Pay
To honor project leads and collaborators for their work in implementing their project, applicants may include supplemental pay within budget requests. Some stipulations apply:
- Applicants may request supplemental pay only if they intend to work on their project outside of contract hours. Supplemental pay may only be used for project planning and implementation purposes outside of the project lead and/or collaborator’s contract hours.
- Applicants may request up to 10 hours of supplemental pay for the project lead. Or, applicants may request up to 20 hours of supplemental pay to compensate the project team (which may include multiple collaborators).
- If supplemental pay is desired, applicants must include supplemental pay as part of the budget on their initial grant application.
- Current supplemental pay rate for planning/prep for professional staff is $25/hour, while classified staff will be paid their hourly rate.

Multi-Year Projects
Austin Ed Fund will consider requests for projects implemented over one or two school years. All funding will be awarded at the beginning of your project implementation in year 1 (up to $10,000 to be spent over two years). Multi-year applicants will be required to complete progress and end-of-year reports for each grant year.
In-Scope Budget Items
- Experiences & field trips (including exposure to colleges & careers)
- Academic materials/supplies
- Professional learning opportunities and collaborative action research projects
- Transition camps
- Family engagement events
- Cross-cultural opportunities
- Clothing aligned with academic success
- Food and snacks for student and family engagements
Out of Scope Budget Items
- Salaries
- Maintenance/facility improvements
- Technology/equipment typically covered by public funds
- Event sponsorships
Grant Application Resources
Here are some resources to help you write your grant proposal. We highly recommend that you download our application template, which has guiding questions and examples to help you while writing your proposal.